
Food Preservative Supplier Malaysia, food supplier malaysia

Application :

-For Processed fruits & vegetables
- For Meat
- For Beverages
- For Dairy product
- For fats & oils emulsion
- For confectionery
- For cereal product

Benefits :

The outstanding property of sodium gluconate is its excellent chelating power, especially in alkaline and concentrated

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Application :

- For Cakes, sauces


- Potassium sorbate a preservative used to inhibit molds and yeasts in many foods, such as cheese, yogurt, dried meats, apple cider, rehydrated fruits, soft drinks and fruit drinks, and baked goods. It is used in the preparation of items such as hotcake syrup and milkshakes.

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Application :

-For Sauces, coconut milk, jam, margerine, beverages


-As preservative

How to apply:

-Premix the powder with sugar first then cook with other ingredients or dilute with hot water ( 80°C) .

Recommended Dosage:

Please refer to seller for details.

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- For Cakes, sauces, beverages, meat, cookies, cracker, biscuits


- Reducing agent used in dough
- Preservative for baked goods, dried fruit and jams
- Bleaching agent and swelling agent in biscuit and cake
- Nutrient retention agent in vegetable dehydration
- Antistaling agent for fruit storage
- Antiseptic

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- For bakery products
- For cheeses


- Sorbic acid is a naturally occurring compound that's become the most commonly used food preservative in the world, and it makes the global food chain possible. It's highly effective at inhibiting the growth of mold, which can spoil food and spread fatal diseases.

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Application :

- For Cakes, sauces, beverages


- In foods, malic acid is used as a flavoring agent to give food a tart taste
-Sourness Effect
-PH Adjuster

How to apply:

- Premix the powder with others dry ingredients first like sugar , salt , seasoning powder etc or direct mix with water .

Recommended Dosage:

- 0.

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- For Cakes, sauces, beverages


- Flavoring agent in beverages
- Emulsifier, preservative and buffer
- Added to highly acidic liquids to help neutralize them and promote gelling

How to apply :

- Premix the powder with others dry ingredients first like sugar , salt , seasoning powder etc or direct mix with water.

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- For oil product

Benefits :

- BHT is used as a preservative ingredient in some foods. With this usage BHT maintains freshness or prevents spoilage; it may be used to decrease the rate at which the texture, color, or flavor of food changes.

How to apply :

- Direct mix with OIL .

Recommended Dosage :

- 0.

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